
It's my birthday and I am angry..

At Blogger...i can't load my L.A. Pics which is all I have been trying to do. Grr. Grrr. Grr.



Okay, okay, I am alive. I am sorry I have been out of contact with the world, but it's tough when you are hanging out in the warm sun of L.A. I promise there are pictures and more to come on that front (it was pretty awesome...) but in the meantime, give some birthday love to Angie and make fun of ther a little bit..she is becoming a very old woman today. Phew, am I glad I'm only 23...she looks old. We are all off to celebrate, and in preparation, I am collecting her presents of pasta, cheese, country music, and loads and loads of bitter cold weather......I can't imagine she won't love that!

How did she hold on to that burger?! Question of the year....


Babies Everywhere........


Just wanted to make sure I congratulated Catie and Jonny on their very exciting news. Catie is pregnant! It's pretty exciting, and I know they are going to be great parents, so now there are more babies on the way! Also, please leave Happy Birthday love for my cousin Bridget, who is turning VERY young today. Very very young. So we had a super bowl party at ali's with way too much food, but luckily the Giants won, so it turned out to be a pretty great day. Besides that it is FREEZING here. And I mean freezing. I mean -5 regular temp, and -40 with wind chill. Seriously, how are people expected to survive in this..thank god L.A. is just around the corner..it can't come soon enough...