
the US, uh, should help South Africa, it should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future, for us...

I have found two things of great importance on the Internet this weekend. First: you HAVE to be f-ing joking me. Please watch the video below, from the genius we put onstage at a Pageant for SCHOLARSHIPS. What is wrong with America?! Now, I have never been to South Carolina, but REALLY?! This is what you have to offer??! What do you think? Nervous? or Mildly retarded?

In an all redeeming bit of news from the America front..guess what show is back and I could not be more excited for..

That's right. If you guessed American Gladiators, you would be correct! (http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117970702.html?categoryid=14&cs=1&nid=2563) Now, my favorite was Nitro, and I am hoping he comes back for the show. He was always flexing at all times and his socks were so high and sexy...you just can't get enough! Who do you think they should bring back and why? Our cast of main characters is:


Oh how I love gladiators..

Miss Teen South Carolina

Please. Help our country. Quickly


dun nuh nuh dun nuh nuh...(this is sporcenter)

Fantasy Football Draft 2007. Wednesday. 7 p.m. Seein as there are only two girls in the league, goal this year: kick the boys asses. So in the spirit of girls rule, or just maybe Jenny rules (i'm comfortable either way) who has suggestions for who I should take? I'm open to suggestion..and will perhaps share some of my winnings. ;-)


Going to the Chapel.......

Congratulations to my lil cousin Christopher Robin and his new beautiful bride Melissa Crum!!! The wedding in St. Louis was BEAUTIFUL, (even though, my flight was 2 hours late and I only got to the wedding for the homily on......I seriously hate American Airlines......) We got to have lots of fun times and welcome Melissa into the crazy Cronin family! The lighting wasn't the best so all my pics didn't turn out..but we managed to get a few cute ones before the open bar kicked in!

Mr and Mrs. Christopher Crum!!

Me and my lil cousin! One tear....


how many people title their first post: "FIRST POST"

ok this is not jennifer but her much smarter and omnipotent older sister who created this fantastic new corner of the internet SO PEOPLE KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING IN JENNY's LIFE... er... is that specific enough? we just love her. yes we do. NOW UPDATE.
and she has a digital camera so NO EXCUSES for the non picture posting. except for the fact that she must give explicit approval to all pictures of herself - it took like 800 pictures before she would approve any for the header!